Thursday, August 30, 2012

Finding the Best Treadmill Under 1000

Pictured: Proform 8.0 ZT  as mentioned below.

If you are like me, then you like saving money.  Getting a good deal on buying a treadmill is no different either.  As someone who likes saving money, it will be my pleasure to help you find the best treadmill under 1000.

Let me tell you about a few different models of treadmills for less than $1000.

First, lets talk about the ProForm 590T.  This treadmill new costs only $599 and includes the following features: It features a 20 x 55 inch belt with special cushioning (so its easy on the legs and joints), a 2.25 horsepower motor, and is iFit compatible (please note: it does not include the iFit wireless adapter).  Next, it has a large 6 inch backlight display with data displayed such as mph, distance, heart rate, calories burned.  It includes a “track” display, iPod port, and last but not least a lifetime warranty on the frame, 25 year warranty on the motor, 1 year of parts/labor.

Next let’s talk about the Proform Perf. 400 series.  It is the same price as the 590T at only $599, but this model is a fold-up model and a space saver.  IT has a 2.25 HP motor, and includes a “ProShox” Cushioning belt that supposedly gives you a smooth workout.  It is iFit, Nike+, and Ipod compatible.  You can load Google maps on the treadmill to simulate terrain on any trail and can sync with site.  Includes a 25 year motor warranty and 1 year of parts/labor.

Then there is the Proform 8.0ZT machine at $599.  This is another space saver model, and has an 18 by 55 inch treadbelt which means it can reach speeds of up to 10 miles per hour.  It has iFit workouts built in by Jillian Michaels, and the workouts automatically adjust for the program.  This treadmill is iPod/Mp3 friendly, and also includes quick speed and quick incline buttons.  Not to mention, the treadmill includes 12 built in programs, and a calorie burner (perfect for a runner looking to lose some weight!).  You can also input your weight for the machine to more accurately determine your calorie burning rate.  The downside of this treadmill (and hence the cheap price) is that the weight limit is only 250 pounds.  On the upside, the machine includes a heart rate monitor.  The included warranty is only 7 years for the motor and 90 days parts/labor.

Fourth comes the Proform 680 model at $699.  Supposedly this treadmill was designed by a personal trainer, and includes a commercial motor.  Each prebuilt workout focuses on losing weight, performance goals, endurance goals, etc.  Quickspeed buttons allow you to quickly change pace when necessary.  Not to mention, you can plug in your iPod or Mp3.  However, this model also includes an “intensity” control, which allows you to select the workout difficult level.  Also included is a handlebar heart rate monitor, and includes an upgraded cushioned belt called the “TreadSoft”.  The treadsoft is advertised to take the shock out of running so that it doesn’t feel like you’re running on concrete!  Last, the model includes a space saver feature that allows it to fold, and includes a 20 year warranty on the motor.

In closing, we’ve talked about four different models of treadmills that you can buy when on a budget.  Good luck, and happy running!